Key Result Areas and Performance Management System is very important part of organization when it comes to monitoring and evaluating employee performance. At Saksham Resources Management Pvt Ltd, we customize KRA and PMS based on organization’s business format and implement it to generate quantified details pertaining to employee performance.
Key Result Areas
“Key Result Areas” or KRAs, also called “Key Performance Areas” (KPAs) refer to general areas of outcomes or outputs for which a role, or a combination of roles, is responsible. These are the areas within the organization where an individual or group, is logically responsible / accountable for the results.
KRAs always link back to Objectives and Goals. This is how we “plan” and “deliver” the achievement of goals.
Identifying KRAs helps the business area and the individuals in the business area to:
- Clarify their roles
- Align their roles to the organisation’s business or strategic plan
- Focus on results rather than activities
- Communicate their role’s purposes to others
- Set individual and team goals and objectives
- Prioritise activities, and improve time/work management
- Make value-added decisions
At Saksham Resources Management Pvt Ltd, we design Key Result Areas (KRA) for all levels of the organizations to streamline employee activities and allocations for each position. This helps employees to perform their routing and assigned task with proper guidelines to get required output or result.
Performance Management System
Systems that facilitate the attainment of individual and corporate goals. Performance Management systems enable you to track and monitor the performance of individual employees, departments, and the organization overall. These systems are often based on organizational and job specific competencies which need to be obtained for successful job performance.
Identifying KRAs helps the business area and the individuals in the business area to:
- Lists of Accomplishments
- Goals and Objectives
- Results from 360-Degree Feedback Processes
- Supervisor Ratings
- Individual Development Plans
Performance Management includes various steps to get accurate details regarding employee performance as below:
- Employee Self-Assessment
- Feedback and Direct Reports
- Initial Management Assessment
- Reviews and Ratings from Managers
- Reviews from HR and department heads.
At Saksham Resources Management Pvt Ltd, we design customized Performance management solutions to meet specific business needs and can be quantified and justifiable at the time of Performance Appraisal process.